Health Is Beauty

3 Super Simple Steps to Getting Better Skin

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This post is a guest post. 

We’ve all got complexes when it comes to the state of our skin. We feel worse than we are, paler than we are and spottier than we are. For some, it’s not quite body dysmorphia but it comes close. For others, the state of their skin is a sign of genuine underlying health issues.

Whatever the reason, we could all do with cleansing some of that grease and eliminating those blackheads.

It’s a difficult task which involves a change in diet and a plethora of new skincare products.

So thank your lucky stars that we’re here to help. Take a look at a few of these tips and see what you should do.

Remove those blackheads

Blackheads are possibly the least aesthetically pleasing of spots. Unlike whiteheads, they can’t be squeezed to instantly disappear. They linger on your forehead like you’ve been sprayed with black pepper.

That’s why it’s vital that they’re removed ASAP. Thousands of blackhead removal solutions exist on the market, but only a few can give you the results you desire.

Avoid the high street and head online for products specifically geared towards the removal of these spots. From there you’ll be able to check product reviews and make an informed decision for healthier skin.

Hop on the water train

With the endless choices of soft drinks and fruit juices on the market, it’s hardly surprising that our diet is saturated with skin-damaging sugar.

If you’re guzzling Diet Coke for the 15th time today, you’ll have to make some major changes.

Drink an average of eight glasses of water a day. This will increase the speed of your blood flow, giving you rosier cheeks and healthier skin.

Couple this with a diet filled with superfoods, or meals high in protein and vitamins. This combination will give you skin that’s never looked healthier – and pores that won’t be filled with grease.

Apply the right makeup

We’ve all witnessed fashion disasters – those people who slather on makeup as though it could only be applied by the gallon.

In the long run, this makeup strategy will suffocate your skin, giving you a stockpile of spots whenever you remove your mounds of foundation.

The skin has to be given time to breathe. Without it, your pores will prune up like your gran’s. Remove your makeup in the evenings and thoroughly clean your face before you go to bed in the evenings.

Moreover, consider a few days where you don’t apply makeup at all. With sufficient breathing space, your skin will look peachy.

Main image via Flickr user Sheena876

Starre Vartan is founder and editor-in-chief of and the author of the Eco-Chick Guide to Life. She's also a freelance science and environment writer who has published in National Geographic, CNN, Scientific American, Mental Floss, Pacific Standard, the NRDC, and many more. She lives on an island in Puget Sound with her partner and black cat. She was a geologist in her first career, and still picks up rocks wherever she goes.