
See Jane Work (in Green)

Flora Recycled Notebooks
Flora Recycled Notebooks

Colorful Recycled Tabs
Colorful Recycled Tabs

Because I spend so much time at my desk, I feel totally justified buying cool stuff for it. Plus, I like pretty, designey things, not plain.

See Jane Work has lots of fun stuff for the office, but I’m especially excited because they have a whole eco-friendly section, which has recycled paper products that aren’t boring, recycled pencils (suddenly pencils seem like such a great tool, low-impact and erasable!), and fun gadgets like the stapler free stapler. (below)

Staple Free Stapler

It doesn’t use staples at all, producing less waste (and don’t you always run out of staples anyway, then realize that you can’t find any more of that particular size, leading you to buy a whole new stapler)? Sooooo wasteful.

Starre Vartan is founder and editor-in-chief of Eco-Chick.com and the author of the Eco-Chick Guide to Life. She's also a freelance science and environment writer who has published in National Geographic, CNN, Scientific American, Mental Floss, Pacific Standard, the NRDC, and many more. She lives on an island in Puget Sound with her partner and black cat. She was a geologist in her first career, and still picks up rocks wherever she goes.