Meet Coach Cass, the Millennial Face of African travel
Fittingly dubbed “Coach Cass” for her fitness and wellness-centric brand, Cass is not only a travel guide and business owner but also a certified fitness coach and nutrition expert.
These Rivers, Mountains, and Lakes Are Getting Legal Rights: It’s About Time
Is a river, mountain or a rainforest really a living entity and entitled to a set of legal rights? Yes.
What’s It Like to Have Your Period in Nigeria?
She says, “The problem is that my parents, and even a lot of my friend’s parents, cannot afford to give us money to buy pads."
Preventing Rape in the Congo Fights Deforestation—Here’s How
Tackling sexual violence against women in the Congo is a direct way to fight deforestation. And stop rape. But our smartphone addiction is exacerbating conflict.
Why Congo Soldiers Use Rape As a War Tactic (and What Your Smartphone Has to Do With It)
When the Second Congo War erupted in 1998, Chouchou noticed a new phenomenon. Women were being raped in public by rebel groups. But nobody wanted to talk about it.
Ecofeminism Explained (by Activists, Ecofeminists, and Me)
7 ideas from the iconic, influential "Ecofeminism as Politics" along with quotes from the equally insightful work by Vandana Shiva and Maria Mies in their jointly published 2014 book, "EcoFeminism."
How Women’s Rights and Environmental Destruction Go Hand-in-Hand
We’ve got it all wrong — Our efforts to conquer nature have brought us to the brink of ecological collapse. And that’s inextricably tied to the long-abusive relationship between men and women. Women’s bodies are battlefields in wars fought over fertile soil, land, oil, minerals, and bragging rights. Just as…
Welcome to My New Column on Ecofeminism
You’re probably here because you care about women, the environment, or both. You’ve come to the right place, because these two subjects are intimately tied to each other. Hey everyone, welcome to my new ecofeminism column with Eco-Chick. Once a week, I’ll be tackling a variety of topics here, all…
Heroines for the Planet: Avery Dennison’s Sustainability Leader Helen Sahi
Heroine for the Planet Helen Sahi, Avery Dennison’s Senior Director of Sustainability. “By nature surfers are environmentalists,” John Moore, co-founder of surfing legend Kelly Slater’s new Kering-backed surf-lifestyle brand Outerknown said in a panel on sustainability that Eco-Chick attended at this year’s Fashion, Culture and Design conference. It stands to reason that…
Heroines for the Planet: Tea Expert and Climate Change Scientist Selena Ahmed
"I am particularly inspired by the immense ecological knowledge of some of the individuals in the forest-dwelling communities that I work that links them to the natural world."