It's the Environment, Stupid!
Zannel has a contest going on for all you budding videographers. Of course we here at Eco Chick know what the biggest challenge of the near future is; creating a sustainable and healthy environment. Without that, nothing else much matters, does it? This is not to put down anyone who works for peace, against poverty or racism, or works tirelessly for free speech, which are all noble causes (and all tied, in one way or another, to the health of people and the environment), but to say that right now, I believe our one unifying effort is to minimize our impact on the only home we have.
Here’s the deets:
The X PRIZE Foundation is always looking for new ideas around what people consider to be the largest, most challenging issues facing humankind today, and this is our “soap box” for you to be heard. Tell us what grand challenges you think the world ought to be thinking about. And while we’re interested in the opinions of individuals, we’re also interested in the opinions of the group. An X PRIZE committee will review the videos that receive the most votes to determine a winner.