Little White Dress Challenge: Day Five! Red, White, and Black All Over
It was hot, as it always is during New York summers, but I couldn’t help but pull on my red jeans this morning! I love red jeans in the summer. They’re a perfect break from white jeans which more often than not become gross & gritty after a long day commuting around town. Funny how just a little bit of color makes all the difference.
I’m reading Maggie Nelson’s Bluets and I find her commentary so fascinating. It makes me look at color in a new way, makes me wonder about the very essence of color. It would be so drab to live in a black and white world, but black and white make for a great slate to add color to when it comes to dressing. So for day five of the LWD challenge I left the dress open, wore a black tank to complement my red jeans, and completed the look with adorable patterned shoes.
The work never seems to end and the to do list just grows and grows, but moments like this one below, makes me fall in love with the summer dog days more and more.
I have never been to Coney Island.
You’ve never been to Coney Island?
So, we went. It wasn’t one of those trips were happiness seems fleeting or one of those adventures too good to be true. There was a balance. Moments I felt her smile others where she reverted to childhood memories. I never mind hearing stories of horseback riding and corn dogs.