Eco-Chick has been online since October, 2005 and we’ve gotten lots of attention since then for our coverage of eco fashion, natural beauty and women’s environmental issues. Founder and Editor Starre Vartan has also been lauded for her environmental leadership through the blog. Here is some of our favorite coverage.
July 2016, Virgin Atlantic USA Blog: Starre discusses the worldwide evolution of sustainable fashion.
January 2015, Huffington Post Live: Starre talks about bathing less in the segment: Why Americans Should Shower Less
December, 2012, the New York Times DotEarth blog: Blogging Insights from an Eco-Chick – ‘Starre Vartan’.
Starre and Eco-Chick featured on, November, 2012
December, 2009 Ecouterre
November, 2009 Eco Chick featured in Treehugger’s Blog Love of the Week. (This is the sixth time!)
Green Talk Radio Podcast, July, 2009
Interior spread of April, 2009 Glamour Magazine feature, “Glamour’s Green Heroes“
Glamour wrote: “Starre Vartan is the editor of, a green blog that strives for a funny and female look at the green life. She is also the author of The Eco Chick Guide to Life: How to Be Fabulously Green”
February, 2009 Discovery Channel’s Planet Green. Starre Vartan “Changemaker“