
Recycle and Rehash

Right after I returned from my vacation I wrote several posts that were lost during our transition to a new server. Rather than rewrite them in their entirety, I am doing an edited version. So if you’ve seen these items here before, it’s because you have! (It’s always nice to know you’re not losing your mind, right?)

Here Goes….

How’s Your Air?


The U.S. Air Quality Gradebook is a great resource, put together by a retired scientist. He took 21 different measures of air quality as determined by the EPA, and combined them to make a comprehensive air quality map (why doesn’t the EPA do this? Probably they don’t want to scare people…). If you go to the site, you can find out more about the air in your county by clicking on the map, and if you go to the pages labeled Sources, you can even find out what exactly is fouling your air.

Cuba Libre?


Photo by Erica Gies

In Cuba, eating locally is the only option. I’ve always wondered what the real deal with Cuba’s green cred is- I’ve heard it’s much more environmentally concious there, but I didn’t know any of the specifics. I have to admit I’m extremely jealous that Grist’s Erica Gies recently checked it out for herself. Read more about the pros: countrywide organic agriculture, some creative alternative transportation, and large conservation areas.

Bored? Refashion Your Wardrobe!


My new obsession is the Wardrobe Refashion Blog, which has been mentioned here before. It is so fun checking out all these creative folks’ amazing projects, like the corset and bolero jacket above. There are also new shirts from old shirts, skirts from pants, and bags made from just about everything. Wardrobe Refashion is a group blog, which you can join simply by adhering to a few rules and regs, and signing onto their pledge.

City Sol Cuties


There were plenty of good-looking greens at NYC’s City Sol festival. Check out more pictures of the event here, and to learn more about what City Sol is all about go here

Starre Vartan is founder and editor-in-chief of Eco-Chick.com and the author of the Eco-Chick Guide to Life. She's also a freelance science and environment writer who has published in National Geographic, CNN, Scientific American, Mental Floss, Pacific Standard, the NRDC, and many more. She lives on an island in Puget Sound with her partner and black cat. She was a geologist in her first career, and still picks up rocks wherever she goes.