Green Gifts: The Top 5 Regifting Don’ts
It’s the day after Christmas. Aside from feeling fat and hungover, you’re probably wondering how you’ll get rid of all the terrible gifts you’ve collected–the gizmo you’ll never use, the book you’ll never read, the sweater you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing. Rather than toss that hideous scarf or Ricky…
Green Gifts for All the Lovable Weirdoes in Your Life
You know those lists of gifts everyone has now? They’re killing me. So I had to make my own because my friends and family are a motley bunch, and the usual stuff (even the usual green stuff) isn’t going to cut it. Plus, they have high expectations because I am…
Shopping Blogroll Shout-Out!
Whether you’re a regular visitor to Eco Chick or are here for the first time, I have to point out the new and improved Ecofashion links on the right side of the page! I’ve been working very hard, trying to include all the latest sustainable and environmentally-friendly brands, stores and…
Ewwww…..This is Why You Need a Water Filter!
On the left is the filter that was replaced, on the right is the new filter. Bottled water sucks, we all know that (if you don’t know why, read this article and you’ll know everything): You can Go Here and read my top 5 reasons for eschewing the bottle…. –It…
Navy Showers
As I think I’ve mentioned before, one of my biggest enviro-sins is bathing. That is, I love long showers, swimming-pool like baths, hot tubs, pools, the ocean, lakes, puddles and running through sprinklers (I think it comes from my Australian roots of being a die-hard swimmer). Point: I love water.…
Etsy’s handmade goodies
A few weeks ago, while strolling through a farmer’s market in Amsterdam, I came upon a stall selling these purses … I chatted with the seller for a bit and he explained the process his partner went through making these. The idea was simple, really … recycled munitions pouches from…
The Hippies DID Have It Right
I’m loving Mark Morford’s column from about two weeks ago in SFGate, celebrating the original Hippies. After much bad-mouthing of the counterculture folks in the last 15 years (even as fashion designers continually emulate their style, adding elements like flower-power prints and navel-grazing beads to their collections on an almost…
TP Does Matter, or: Don't Forget to Think Little While Thinking Big
As I’m cruising around the Internets reading away, I sometimes come across statistics like this one on toilet paper: “If every household in the U.S. bought just one four-pack of 260-sheet recycled bath tissue, it would eliminate 60,600 pounds of chlorine pollution, preserve 356 million gallons of fresh water,…
Eco Chicks in Shape Magazine!
Eco Chick is really happy to be a part of Shape Magazine’s April, 2007 Green-theme issue. Check out page 44, where Summer, Kim and I are featured in the section ‘Why I Went Green,’ a three-page spread that includes the likes of Amber Valetta, Laurie David, Daryl Hannah, Kerry Washington,…
Kiwi & Pink & Business Week, Oh My!
The Green is spreading! First up is Kiwi– maybe those with kids have already heard of this great magazine centered around healthy and green living for parents (it seems to have been out for about 6 months now), but I just came across my first issue. Kiwi is super-informative, with…