HOK full of Power
Buying 4 million kilowatts hours of wind as energy credits from Renewable Choice, architectural firm HOK now stands as the largest architectural firm to commit to wind power. This amazing purchase was the firm’s gift to the planet for Earth Day. Now, I would say that the action of…
Earthships Take Flight
About ten years ago I was in Colorado and one of my friends took me to see some alternative housing structures that were being built in the mountains. The first was an amazing teepee that had a woodstove and the second was an ‘earthship’. I was blown away by the…
A Little "C'mon I Wanna Laia"
I live my life on the turn of a dime. Honestly, I do. Most of the time I decide what to do that day, that day. The spice of life for me is spontaneity. I live it all the time. I don’t think we, as a society, do enough of…
What's Your Footprint?
I just learned that if everyone on the planet lived as I do, it would take 4.2 Earths to provide for them. Meaning: I take up three times as much resources as I should. And that’s with keeping my house at 60 degrees all winter, driving minimally in an efficient car, and being a…
Ask Chicky: Clear Skies or Dirty Air?
Dear Chicky, My boyfriend and I (we’re both in our early 30’s) have a bet: I say air quality is better than when we were kids, he says it’s worse. Who’s right? –Itching to Be Right Dear Itching, Though it’s always fun to watch one half of a couple…
State of the Union Address States Something Incredible
Although our President has tried to hold back the tide of change toward cleaner healthier energy, some things he said in his last State of the Union Address suggests that he may be changing his tune, at least for now. The oil money man said that “America is addicted…
I (Heart) Tom's
I’ve been a fan of Tom’s of Maine since I was a whippersnapping treehugger in tie-dye with a flower in my hair. They make the best natural toothpastes (who else would have thought of gingermint?), and some damn good deoderants and other personal care stuff. They’ve been doing it for…