Eating Healthy, Organic and Vegan Isn’t More Expensive: Here’s How
Care about your body and health, with a magnificent side effect of rescuing many animal lives.
Haylie Duff’s Vegan Banana Bread Pudding Dessert Recipe is Amazingly Easy and Tasty
A delicious and easy banana and chocolate recipe for those summer campfires.
Why CSA's Rock: Growing Heart Farm Brings New Yorkers Fresh Veggies – Get In On The Action Now!
As the big agribusiness toxic food industry continues to harm the earth to make cheaper and less nutritious foods, healthy alternative sustainable food systems taking root, gaining strength and nourishing people and planet. Once such model, the CSA, which stands for “community supported agriculture,” is growing here in NYC. Members…
H&M's Spring 2011 Conscious Collection: Eco Fashion Breezes into April
H&M is making good on its promise to continue expanding their commitment to using sustainable fabrics. Their upcoming Spring, 2011 collection, Conscious Collection is the follow-up for Spring 2010’s Garden Collection. Utilizing organic cotton, Tencel, and recycled polyester, the all-white collection means that it will work with everything from denim…
Ani Phyo's Healthfully Decadent Raw Coconut Kream Recipe
Dessert has always been my favorite part of any meal (though I do love apps!) and while I’ve managed to tame my sweet tooth in the last few years, I’ve by no means eliminated it. (By tame I mean I can get my sweet-happys from maple syrup, honey, and desserts…
Artful Undergarments: Rio Wrenn’s R.A.W. Eco Lingerie Collection
Portland, Oregon based textile designer Rio Wrenn has a unique vision for lingerie, combining modern eco friendly materials and dying techniques, antique constructions and ethical manufacturing to create her line, R.A.W. “I started R.A.W. in 2007, which is inspired by vintage undergarments ranging from the 1800’s to the 1950’s to…
Barefoot Walking and Running: Best of Both Worlds with Vivo Barefoot Sneakers
My Viva Terras. Cute on the trail or off. Last summer, I was walking up from the beach at Gay’s Head on Martha’s Vineyard. (They’ve renamed the place Aquinnah, but I’m sticking with the original name, thank you very much) and then headed up the steep dunes, and over the…
People Won't Change for the Environment (on my campus)
A recent article outlines a pretty simplistic poll conducted in London about people’s willingness to change their behaviour for the good of the planet. A straw poll of 15 British men and 15 British women between the ages of 25-75 in central London, showed all were willing to make small…
Sara Snow's – Fresh Living: The Essential Room-By-Room Guide to a Greener, Healthier Family and Home
I first became familiar with Sara Snow when I was pregnant and on bed-rest. Between reading baby books and eating I watched her Discovery show Get Fresh with Sara Snow and enjoyed her ease and playful approach to environmentalism. I love how Sara always mixes stories of her childhood into…
Soy's Eco Creds
Last month, when Starre asked us all for our New Year’s resolutions, I didn’t have to think twice about them because I’ve been thinking so much about these goals over the last year. But I just put all my eco goals for the year out there for the world to…