Lady Liberty- Now Powered by Wind!!
The Green Lady herself is now even Greener! The Statue of Liberty, America’s ubiquitous symbol for freedom is now symbolically free from fossil fuels. The Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and several other federal facilities in northern New Jersey owned by U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) will run on…
A Little "C'mon I Wanna Laia"
I live my life on the turn of a dime. Honestly, I do. Most of the time I decide what to do that day, that day. The spice of life for me is spontaneity. I live it all the time. I don’t think we, as a society, do enough of…
Tuesday Science Times Rehash
Tuesday is has two redeeming qualities; it’s not Monday, and the NYTimes Science section comes out. A couple heartwarming stories from the last edition. Genetically modified produce is a flop, for both consumers and crop yields. And apparently, all that opposition to GM foods has really taken the mickey out…
Tuesday Science Times Rehash
Tuesday is has two redeeming qualities; it’s not Monday, and the NYTimes Science section comes out. A couple heartwarming stories from the last edition. Genetically modified produce is a flop, for both consumers and crop yields. And apparently, all that opposition to GM foods has really taken the mickey out…
Crazy Capitalist and Enviro in the Same Sentence?
Today’s NYTimes has an interesting article in a section I usually ignore. The front of the Business section has “Saving the Environment, One Quarterly Earnings Report at a Time.” Wal-Mart uses a wind turbine to help provide electricity at a store in Aurora, Colo., as an experiment. If necessary, a…