A Coat Check—For Your Bike!
As a new Berkeley resident, I’m slowly discovering all the cool things the town has to offer. Just recently I came across Bikestation, a “non-profit organization that seeks to improve the quality of life in urban communities through the development and operation of bike-transit centers and related infrastructure.” Modeled after…
TOP 10 Best Cities Prepared for an Oil Crisis
SustainLane, a leading web resource on environmental information, ranks the TOP 10 CITIES BEST PREPARED FOR AN OIL CRISIS. See the article here and see how they rank the cities below: New York City Boston San Francisco Chicago Philadelphia Portland Honolulu Seattle Baltimore Oakland
To Buy or Not to Buy?
Two years ago I had the pleasure of attending the American Institute of Graphic Artists’ (AIGA) 2004 Gain Conference in New York. Although the bulk of the conference included motivational speech about a designer’s social and environmental responsiblity, one speaker—Christopher Hacker, the then creative & marketing director of Aveda jumped…
Head of the Interior heads for the Exterior: Gale Norton Resigns
Last week U.S. Interior Secretary Gale A. Norton resigned amidst rumblings of scandal regarding purported connections between her department and disgraced former lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Many environmentalists applauded her departure due to her appalling record for supporting corporate interests and being unable to bridge the ever-expanding gap between big business…
Ask Chicky: Clear Skies or Dirty Air?
Dear Chicky, My boyfriend and I (we’re both in our early 30’s) have a bet: I say air quality is better than when we were kids, he says it’s worse. Who’s right? –Itching to Be Right Dear Itching, Though it’s always fun to watch one half of a couple…
Crazy Capitalist and Enviro in the Same Sentence?
Today’s NYTimes has an interesting article in a section I usually ignore. The front of the Business section has “Saving the Environment, One Quarterly Earnings Report at a Time.” Wal-Mart uses a wind turbine to help provide electricity at a store in Aurora, Colo., as an experiment. If necessary, a…