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    Hug Your Local Eco Blogger

    Recently I’ve been noticing a lot of great new environmentally-oriented blogs popping up that are local in focus, a trend that I think is really important for creating change. It’s all fine and good to know what’s going on in the world, but just as we’ve all learned about supporting…

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    Green Karat

    Some of Green Karat’s designs We know diamonds are not a girl’s best friend and we’ve seen environmentally friendly jewelry, like Kiersten Muenster’s , and Gwen Davis’ gorgeous creations. But what if you’re looking for something with more traditional style? Green Karat’s recycled gold jewelry looks the same as non-recycled…

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    Evergreen Makes a Difference

    Evergreen State College in Olympia , WA has taken on the rarely addressed issue of college students with mental disorders. Their facility and program emphasizes another aspect of the importance of a clean and healthy environment. We are all greatly affected by our environment and when one is hyper sensitive…

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    SkiGreen MiniTags

    Tina Basich  Love riding or skiing but hate how driving all the way to the mountain makes you feel sooooo guilty? Besides finding out if a local ski center has a bus to the mountains (my local shop does one-day bus trips that include a lift ticket at a discount),…

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    Although the Holiday season hasn’t officially hit (I know its not even Thanksgiving), its never too early too start thinking about environmental ways to approach the season. It is estimated that almost 25 million tons more waste is created during the holidays than over a typical ten-week period. The extra…

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    100-Mile Challenge

      What cute Turkeys! I like to see them scuffling through the leaves in the woods, not on a plate! Treehugger encouraged folks to get their whole Thanksgiving meal within 100 miles of their homes in the aptly named 100-mile Challenge, and though I’m not entering their contest, I am…

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    Communal Tool Sharing

    Ever embarked on a home project, but didn’t have the tools needed or the money/space to buy and store them? Like most renters, buying a huge stash of tools isn’t feasible for me anytime soon. That’s why there are resources like the Berkeley tool library. One of the first libraries…