You Might Be an Eco Chick If…..
…….you have so many tote bags that you end up giving the person at the checkout line behind you a couple to keep them from plastic-bagging it. You think that maybe some free reusable bags is all that it will take to convert them. …….you get crazy dehydrated because you…
Green Gifts for All the Lovable Weirdoes in Your Life
You know those lists of gifts everyone has now? They’re killing me. So I had to make my own because my friends and family are a motley bunch, and the usual stuff (even the usual green stuff) isn’t going to cut it. Plus, they have high expectations because I am…
Ewwww…..This is Why You Need a Water Filter!
On the left is the filter that was replaced, on the right is the new filter. Bottled water sucks, we all know that (if you don’t know why, read this article and you’ll know everything): You can Go Here and read my top 5 reasons for eschewing the bottle…. –It…
Just a thought
Recently I found myself engaged in several discussions about taking care of our environment as a matter of personal integrity, choice, and responsibility. One such conversation happened with a stranger in a training course I was attending. The man works for the EPA. He looked to be in his early…