5 Ways to Reduce Your Chemical Exposure Before You Even Think About Getting Pregnant
Image courtesy Flickr User Trocaire. I have never been pregnant and I do not have any children. I do, however, plan on being pregnant one day (but not anytime soon!). So you might be curious why I think I’m entitled to share pre-pregnancy tips with you. It’s pretty simple:…
Is Melamine Safe for Kids?
If you ever needed another reason to breastfeed, here it is. Four babies have died and thousands are ill after melamine was found in contaminated dairy products in Asia. The industrial toxin, which is high in nitrogen, is added to milk when producers want to artificially boost protein content. According…
Red Raspberry Leaf: Herbal Tonic for Pregnancy and Reproductive Health
When you think about consuming parts of a raspberry plant, naturally you think of the raspberries themselves – but the leaves are just as nutritious and have great medicinal value. An alkaloid called fragrine that’s found in high concentration within these leaves tones the muscles of the pelvic region, including…
The Complete Organic Pregnancy
I just finished reading newly released The Complete Organic Pregnancy (Harper Collins) by Deirdre Dolan and Alexander Zissu and loved it. Since I am currently nineteen weeks pregnant, I have been soaking up a lot of information lately on all things revolving around pregnancy, babies, and organics. There are plenty…