Green Gifts for All the Lovable Weirdoes in Your Life
You know those lists of gifts everyone has now? They’re killing me. So I had to make my own because my friends and family are a motley bunch, and the usual stuff (even the usual green stuff) isn’t going to cut it. Plus, they have high expectations because I am…
Risk Management in Test Tube Earth
This is absolutely the most sensible piece of argument I’ve seen thus far in the global warming debate. Check it out and pass it on. (This one’s especially good to show your doubting Thomas friends and relatives….it will work on anyone of any political stripe):
An Eco-Chuckle
I’ll admit, I’ve been feeling pretty bummed about the slow pace of change in this country with respect to environmental issues, so I thought I’d share some of these funnies with you. Hopefully you haven’t seen all of these yet!Nice Punchline! Green Team on Green Team! If you haven’t…
Ecospot Winners!
Current TV and The Alliance for Climate Protection have just announced the winners of their “60 Seconds to Save the Earth Ecospot contest”, which was open to everyone. A panel of celebrity judges including George Clooney, Cameron Diaz, Orlando Bloom and Rihanna, as well as Alex Bogusky of leading ad…
My Dream (Hobbit?) House
My friend Chris Baskind says this house is for “upwardly mobile, fashion forward hobbits.” I THINK that describes me…. OK, I’m having a severe case of house lust. Have you ever seen a cuter little abode? Check the website for more pictures, as well as plans and details of the…
Who Says Red Carpet Equals Nonsense?
I’ll admit it, I like the red carpet shows when all the stars come out, but I usually watch them on mute because I’m really only interested in what’s being worn, the hairstyles, and the totally obscene jewelry. The constant chatter about how excited the actors are for the show…
Rally for a Strong, Clean 2007 Energy Bill!
By Guest-Blogger Lorna Li This fall auto industry workers, environmental organizations and student groups rally hard for Congress to pass a 2007 Energy Bill that includes higher fuel efficiency and renewable energy standards. Will you rally with them? What’s on the plate is a fuel efficiency standard that the Senate…
Radiohead's ' In Rainbows'
It all started back in 1992. Radiohead with frontman Thom Yorke had a searing single floating up the charts, a song like nothing else on the radio and the line that every teenage boy thought was cool, “I don’t care if it hurts, I wanna have control.” …
Swimming With Dolphins: The Reality
This video shows what goes on in the dolphin hunts and includes Hayden Panettiere (of the TV show ‘Heroes’) and a team of surfers who tried to protest and protect the mammals. Some think swimming with dolphins, or going to see animals/mammals in captivity, is somehow “environmental” or serving some…
Gotta Keep on Top of the Bills!
Yeesh! There’s a flurry of activity surrounding environmental issues in Congress and it’s all I can do to keep up! Here’s what’s going on: TOMORROW, on Halloween, the House is set to vote on HR 2262, which updates the incredibly outdated (and super destructive) Mining Act of 1872. That’s right,…