• Fair Fashion

    Fun Finds at Urban Air Market in SF

    I checked out the Urban Air Market last weekend and found some finds! It was a beautiful day in San Francisco’s fabulous Hayes Valley neighborhood. What fun! (And reminder! There’s one final market this season on October 11th at the Lower Haight.) Above was my first purchase; a beautiful geode-based…

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    Under the Canopy Sale

    We spend one third (that’s 33.3333 . . . percent) of our entire life “in bed” (disregard promiscuous college students). Yet, the importance of healthy bedding is often overlooked, considered excessive and far too expensive. Yes, some bedding items (i.e. the throw pillow) are unnecessary, but soft, cozy, non-toxic bedding…

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    Baby Bunch

    Baby Bunch makes these too-cute new-parent’s gifts. They look like a bunch of flowers, but they are really organic cotton baby onesies, booties, hats and towels. Because they’re disguised as a bouquet, they can be given as is, rather than wrapped, saving resources at the same time!

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    Portovert Debuts

    Back in the beginning of December, I mentioned that a new online-only wedding magazine would be debuting in January. Well, Portovert is up and running, and it looks like they have some great content going on in their premiere issue! If you are getting married, or know someone who is,…

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    Our Green House

    Being pregnant with twins made me want to seek out the healthiest, enviro-friendly baby products. I came accross a business that is right here in my home state – Our Green House in Newtown, CT. Started by Pam and Michael Davis, the business came from the desire to find healthy,…

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    Anna Sova Yummy

    I attended the Anna Sova launch last party last weekend in Manhattan. The self-titled line of ‘luxury organics’, which includes aromatherapy sprays, soy candles, sheets, duvets and bedruffles (I call it bedwear), towels and paint is truly gorgeous, and I was thrilled to see that someone finally realizes that just…