
Little White Dress Challenge, Day Nine: Dressed to the Max!

day nine

I am all about New York City, the constantly moving atmosphere, the diverse array of friends I have, and the beauty of a city I know so well, but on Monday I embarked on a five day road trip! Yes, I now can pump gas, find bed & breakfasts extremely quickly, and even know that the purple line on my iphone’s map sometimes lies. I was road tripping with a sweet friend who made me laugh at almost every turn, always knew when to switch up the tunes, and let me share her big 29 with her (all week).

Screen shot 2011-07-23 at 6.48.47 PM
Old Orchard Beach, Maine

We hit up seven states, including Maine, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, drank countless cups of joe, visited a Texas Roadhouse, and took a number of beautiful detours. But, at the end of it all I can honestly say there was almost no bad and a whole lot of good.

Our last stop is my home away home, the cheese steak city, Philly. Part of my family lives there and so I absolutely had to visit. Of course I had to choose the record breaking hottest day, coming in at around 101. But, not minding the heat, and all too happy to have arrived at the chic Ritz hotel, we ordered a delicious breakfast and by the late afternoon I braved the heat to visit one of my favorite stores in Philly, Kimberly Boutique. Kim, the owner, and Lauren, one of the best stylists I know, have been close friends for several years. I adore the shop and stop by whenever I’m in the city to visit.

Though I hadn’t had a chance while on the road to wear my little white dress, I quickly told Lauren about the project and begged her for some style assistance. Over the next few days I’ll share with you five looks she came up with. They are all chic, easy to put together, and of course, revolved around my little white dress.

For day nine I choose to wear the little white dress under a comfy black sweater. Both perfect for the air conditioned office, and easy to adjust for the oppressive heat. (See what I wore on Day 8 here!)

Haley Sherif holds a B.F.A. in creative nonfiction writing from Emerson College. Born & raised in Manhattan, she's currently living in Brooklyn pursuing her dream to write. As an eager fourteen year old she originally joined the Eco-Chick team as an intern, several years later she's happy to be back. Her writing and design projects can be found on her personal site, haleykamilla.com, as well as on The Culture-ist and later and in Perversion's June, 2016 issue.