
A Little "C'mon I Wanna Laia"

I live my life on the turn of a dime. Honestly, I do. Most of the time I decide what to do that day, that day. The spice of life for me is spontaneity. I live it all the time. I don’t think we, as a society, do enough of it. Like the time when I said “Hi” to a guy in June, exchanged some hand-written letters, texted a few times, and then a few months later, decided to run off to Hawaii together. Random? Yes. Crazy? Only to uptight prudes. Unsafe? Beautiful desserted tropical island? Mmmm, no red flags there.

So what better way to feel reborn again, to rekindle that flame of dreamy spontaneity then by MuuMuu Heaven…A company located in the dreamy, romantic Hawaiian Islands that gives new life to muumuus, vintage wear, and accessories.

Want to find out how to get 10% off your order? Sign up for my Mailing List newsletter, and I’ll give you the code. Go ahead. Be spontaneous. And if you are looking for flights, hit up Travelocity.com, but make sure you purchase your carbon transfers.
