Step It Up 2007 and Sea of People
Feeling like you just can’t curb your carbon emissions much more, and wondering what else YOU can do about global warming? The next step is getting the government on the bandwagon, and Step It Up 2007 is doing just that, through public action:
This April 14th, tens of thousands of Americans will gather all across the country at meaningful, iconic places to call for action on climate change. We will hike, bike, climb, walk, swim, kayak, canoe, or simply sit or stand with banners of our call to action: “Step it up, Congress! Cut carbon 80% by 2050!”
The campaign will culminate on Saturday, April 14th, a national day of climate action, when Americans, representing voting districts throughout the country, will voice their support for this bold and necessary commitment by gathering together and making their voices heard in hundreds of local demonstrations.
There are events going on all over the country. You can find out what’s going on in your local area here.
I’m going to be volunteering to help out in the local NYC event, the fabulously named Sea of People.
New York City’s coastal location makes it particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels and more powerful storm events that will result from unabated warming. In combination, these factors could result in the periodic flooding of coastal parts of our city later on in this century. Permanent inundation could result with the collapse of either the Greenland or Antarctic ice shelves, which would lead to a 10 to 20 foot rise in sea level. Such a rise would greatly reconfigure the map of our city, sinking much of lower Manhattan beneath the water. While this may be several generations off, action to avoid such an outcome must begin now.
The Sea Of People project combines the dynamics of a mass rally with the expressive power of an interactive artistic installation. Following a 12 Noon Rally in Battery Park on Saturday, April 14, thousands of participants, dressed in blue, will stretch north in two columns along the projected eastern and western 10-foot waterlines that may one day redefine lower Manhattan under the ten-foot sea level rise scenario.
For inspiration, check out this amazing video of the island of Manhattan going down…. reminds me of the end of the first Planet of the Apes movie…
Thanks to Ben Jervey for the info.