‘Teens Turning Green’ Eco Body Care Now Available at Whole Foods
Most teenage girls experiment with a lot of different cosmetics and body care products, trying out different brands, colors and scents. But concern about what’s in those products isn’t just limited to adults, and that’s how ‘Teens for Safe Cosmetics’ got started. This coalition of young women actively raising awareness about the safety of ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products have long been advocating for products that are safe, natural and high quality, and now they’ve even got their own line of eco-friendly body care products. The ‘Teens Turning Green’ line, now available at Whole Foods, was made for teens by teens.
The nine products, which include cleanser, deodorant, moisturizer, a purifying mask and more, are made by seven companies including four based in the Bay Area – Benedetta, Depth, EO Products and Pomega5. The other companies are Alaffia, Astara and Terra Naturals. The line is sold exclusively at Whole Foods nationwide.
From the Teens for Safe Cosmetics website:
“Our goal is to affect change in a positive and collaborative way through partnerships with companies that are already doing right by our bodies and planet,” says Erin Schrode, lead campaign spokeswoman. “When information is available and alternatives are accessible, people begin to think critically and that prompts change. If what you put on your body 24/7 could be potentially harmful, why do it?”
“This unprecedented line of products for teens ( that adults will love as well ) shows that you don’t have to choose beauty over health,” said Judi Shils, Director of Teens for Safe Cosmetics. This line will grow to encompass all aspects of an eco-conscious lifestyle, all that teens encounter 24/7; we hope that the Teens Turning Green collection will inspire teens to not only protect their health, but also sustain their world.”
It’s so awesome and encouraging, not only that young women are taking a stand and demanding safer products, but that this unique group has worked so hard to ensure that teens have healthy options available to them. The Teens for Safe Cosmetics website is also a wealth of info for young Eco Chicks. Check it out for the ‘Dirty Thirty’ ingredients in cosmetics that may cause cancer, greener alternatives and links to lots more resources.