
Retirement No More: The Anchor has been Lifted

Tom Brokaw Joins the Fight

The campaign to stop global warming is attracting more and more recognizable media and political faces. The respected Tom Brokaw, the former NBC anchorman, has teamed up with the Discovery Channel, in partnership with the BBC to host on Sunday July 16th, ”Global Warming: What You Need to Know” at 9 pm.

This is yet another great documentary that will help separate fact from fiction and give momentum to this important global issue. The starvation of the polar bears, the swallowing of islands, and droughts of lands are investigated in this piece. Mr. Brokaw is no stranger to speaking out about the state of the environment. His wife, Meredith Brokaw, is the vice president of the environmental organization Conservation International (NYT).

With the passion and motivation of figures such as Laurie David, Al Gore, and now Tom Brokaw, it is my hope that more and more, the political figures and decision makers who have control of some major locks, will begin to unlock the major barriers to sustainable living, like energy dependency. In the meantime thankfully we have readers like you who take the initiative to help make a difference.