
April Showers Bring May Flowers

Isn’t it wonderful how many of life’s random necessities now come in green versions? The list of recycled products seems to get bigger by the day.

Take for example, Radley’s Recycled Umbrella.

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Yes, this pretty polka-dot umbrella is more than just arm candy. It’s eco-innovation at it’s best. Made from recycled plastic bottles, the fabric is also 100% recyclable. Read: if it breaks, tears or loses its luster you can just throw it in the recycle bin. It will soon be reincarnated to another glorious product . . . perhaps a tote bag, a food containers or maybe even a bicycle.

But fear not for this “brelli’s” lifespan. The brainchild of much-loved English luxury company Radley, the Eco-Brella is sure to stand up to even the harshest of hailstorms. Clearly, the English know their stuff when it comes to staying dry— they did invent “Wellies” and the Barber Jacket, you know!