
Eco Chick Book Coming (Very) Soon!


Get ready chickies! My book, based on this very blog, will be available in just a few short weeks!!

The Eco Chick Guide to Life: How to Be Fabulously Green contains all new content that you won’t find here on the blog, and (hint, hint) makes a great present for yourself or for those stylish slackers in your life who are clueless about their planetary impact. Show them how to care (nicely, of course!) and get them this book!

With chapters on ecofashion (shocking, I know!), natural beauty, how to green your home from bedroom to kitchen to bathroom, ecotravel (on a budget), and how to detox your workplace, this little book will fill you (or that eco-bum in your life) in. Fun and entertaining, it will fit in your bag for all those times you’re stuck waiting on line and need something to read. I wrote it so you can flip to almost any page and dive in; no bookmarks necessary.

Yes, of course it’s printed on recycled paper. Geez I feel bad enough about printing it on paper at all, but the hope is that its positive impact will far outstrip its resource use. Fingers crossed!

You can pre-order now on Amazon (and read the very lovely review from Publisher’s Weekly there too), so you’ll get one of the first of the presses!

Love, and Happy Readings,

Starre Vartan is founder and editor-in-chief of Eco-Chick.com and the author of the Eco-Chick Guide to Life. She's also a freelance science and environment writer who has published in National Geographic, CNN, Scientific American, Mental Floss, Pacific Standard, the NRDC, and many more. She lives on an island in Puget Sound with her partner and black cat. She was a geologist in her first career, and still picks up rocks wherever she goes.