

I have been thinking about what I do on a daily basis to minimize my environmental footprint. There is always more, but here are some examples of what I do:

1. Recycle everything – including plastic bags, bread bags, etc.
2. Support local farmers by participating in CSA’s and purchasing food at coops.
3. Save my own recycling and garbage and take it to the dump myself once a month-cutting the need for garbage pick-ups.
4. Keep lights off unless I need them.
5. Keep the heat low/off.
6. Seek clean power sources.
7. Carpool or bicycle.
8. Find apparel at second hand/consignment stores or seek out sweat-shop free/organics.
9. Participate in activism – donating – volunteering – educating (although I don’t do this as much as I’d like.)
10. When on a hike or just hanging out in the woods – pick up garbage/recyclables and carry them out.
11. Convert the office to recycling.
12. Use energy star appliances.

I know I’ve left stuff out… What do you do?