I saw these super-creative light fixtures at the Haute Green design exhibit at the end of May and was really taken with them. Turns out I’m not the only one: see more about them here, and here. GreenLight is part of an experimental design project out of NYU.
A solar panel runs the super-efficient LED light which grows the plants and filters interior air. This is ideal for less-than-sunny rooms or basement or windowless apartments, and offices.
From an information card I picked up at Haute Green:
The GreenLight is a product developed for the Environmental Health Clinic and Prescription Project. The light is prescribed for patients of the Clinic who are interested in exploring living possibilities in response to the climate crisis. The GreenLight explores distributed power productions, coupled design systems (light diffusion with photosynthetic processes, and indoor air quality). The plants used were specially selected to remove formaldehyde to improve air quality. This closed-loop solar powered lighting fixture achieves light diffusion with vegetation.
And they look amazing too!