Jane's Flower Oil: Handmixed Loveliness for What Ails You from the Owner of Grace Heaven Salon
Jane Webb runs the supergreen hair salon Grace Heaven in the East Village of Manhattan (or by appointment in LA), and I see her regularly to keep my crazy-curly tresses red and glowing. She uses only the most natural and toxin-free colors and hair products, and she’s extremely serious about that – her salon is a no greenwashing zone.
Jane has twice now gifted me with some of her unbelievable handcrafted oils. I took the first batch with me on my around-the-world travels, and it steadied and centered me when I was feeling (sometimes literally) adrift. I use the newest version on my whole body after my once-a-week super scrubdown, while my body is still warm and damp, and I use just a bit on my hair almost every day, to keep it in check and to tame my frizzies and ends. It is my very favorite beauty product of them all (well, that and my mascara!).
Jane says of her most recent blend:
Every batch is different and I choose the scents based on what resonates for me at the time. Lately I have been loving sandalwood recently and I like ambrette, neroli, rose, frankincense, lavender, sage, jasmine, helichrysum, geranium. I am always trying different purveyors and like any crop it depends on season, growing conditions, how it is extracted; these are all super critical issues.
I don’t always use [an oil] because it smells good. Sometimes the benefits of a certain element are so important that it must be included. I am not trying to be a perfumer but it comes with the territory and you never know what the end result is until you combine everything. What will top out, what will be laying in the background.
But once you become accustomed to the lushness, the true luxury of essential oils you will never be enchanted by a man made chemical based perfume again. What I love about it is the subtle but powerful way that it works on the emotions and the body. It is the life blood of a plant- truly the healing medicine of the planet.
Jane makes small batches of 15-20 bottles at a time, and she can tailor the oil to deal with certain issues. If you are interested in this incredibly healing (and wonderfully moisturizing) oil, Jane can be reached through her shop Grace Heaven salon, which is on 3rd between A and B, or at 212.253.5490.