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    The real cost of Christmas

    What does christmas really cost us? I ask my family not to buy me Christmas gifts. In the beginning it was to make a stance against Christmas saying “I’m not Christian, so it’s not my holiday and these traditions are silly.” But as I grow older and care less and…

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    Energy Vampires

    We all know someone in our lives who sucks the energy out of us….well this post is not about those people but the appliances that do the same thing. Maybe you have already heard about how much power all those TVs, PCs, and ACs use on ‘standby’ mode (that’s when…

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    Treeflight’s nursery of trees-to-be  If you’re taking a flight soon, you’re no doubt feeling the guilt about how much carbon you’ll be spewing into the atmosphere. Ru Hartwell can allay your guilt for just a few bucks; he’ll plant a tree on his land in Wales, England for every flight…