Little Blue Periwinkles: Annals of Wonder
Editor’s Note: Welcome to my new column, Annals of Wonder. I find the natural world to be an endless source of fascination and joy, and I know there are others out there who feel the same. This column, Annals of Wonder, will explore and celebrate life on Earth. This isn’t…
Wolftress Launch: Australian Ecofashion Warriors
The label works directly with local artisans in different areas of the world for each collection.
Oh! How Beautiful Australia’s Brumbies Are!
Turns out, brumbies are the (adorable!) name for wild horses Down Under.
Eco Fashion at Australia’s Indigenous Fashion Week: Interview with Amy Tracey of Flannel Billy
A fashion label which incorporates accessories constructed from native Australian flowers
Three Cool Aussie Eco Fashion Labels
These three impressive up-and-coming Australian fashion labels are bringing fresh, hip, colorful garments to the Southern Hemisphere and beyond
Colbert Tackles Global Warming, Hilariously!
The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive The Word – The New Abnormal Australia adds new colors to the weather map for temperatures above 125 degrees, and conservatives hit the fifth stage of right-wing climate change grief: acceptance.
Deplasticize Your Life!
This movie from the 1950’s shows Disney’s “House of the Future” which is totally kitted out in plastic EVERYthing. Ironic that here I am from 2008 writing about how to get plastic out of my life! I haven’t picked up a plastic bag in weeks now*, and I’m looking for…
Miessence: Organic Food for My Skin
My personal quest to find a skin care line that isn’t toxic like most conventional skin products and WORKS is finally over! I recently discovered a brand, Miessence owned by Australian based company, ONE (Organic and Natural Enterprise) Group that perfectly fits those 2 needs. Since that time, I’ve become…
Aussie Wind Farm Shoutout and Greenwashing Ha-has!
Well this is the first mention I’ve seen of my original home state, New South Wales (that’s in Australia) in the news for awhile, and it’s all about the giganto wind farm they want to build there. Go Aussies! ALSO: Let’s make fun of companies that greenwash, it’s oh-so-fun!!
Don't Be A Turkey: Get Your Thanksgiving Feast Green
Originally posted on The Huffington Post on November 14th, 2007 Photo from In 1621 the Plymouth colonists and the Wampanoag Indians stuffed their faces in an autumn harvest feast–the first Thanksgiving. Although Historians aren’t certain of the menu, it’s safe to say the pilgrims weren’t gobbling up pesticide-smothered potatoes…