Macbook Air: Green Equals Sexy!
Steve Jobs just finished giving they keynote speech at the MacWorld 2008 conference, where he unveiled the super-sexy new Macbook Air (check Gizmodo for more techie coverage). So, besides the fact that this computer looks totally gorgeous, it is also a serious GREEN MACHINE. The ecofriendly stats, from Jobs’ speech:…
Green Gifts: The Top 5 Regifting Don’ts
It’s the day after Christmas. Aside from feeling fat and hungover, you’re probably wondering how you’ll get rid of all the terrible gifts you’ve collected–the gizmo you’ll never use, the book you’ll never read, the sweater you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing. Rather than toss that hideous scarf or Ricky…
Green Gifts for All the Lovable Weirdoes in Your Life
You know those lists of gifts everyone has now? They’re killing me. So I had to make my own because my friends and family are a motley bunch, and the usual stuff (even the usual green stuff) isn’t going to cut it. Plus, they have high expectations because I am…
Fab Green Thanksgiving Weekend Sales
OK, so I totally forgot and just bought used books despite the fact that I was trying to partake in Buy Nothing Day. If you’re also doing a little shopping this weekend (trying to get a head-start on holiday gifts, of course!), then check out one of these eco-friendly boutiques:…
See Jane Work (in Green)
Flora Recycled Notebooks Colorful Recycled Tabs Because I spend so much time at my desk, I feel totally justified buying cool stuff for it. Plus, I like pretty, designey things, not plain. See Jane Work has lots of fun stuff for the office, but I’m especially excited because they have…
One Person’s Crapola is Another’s Lifesaver
Reusing your stuff is a cheap, planet-friendly move, and now you no longer have to hold a giant yardsale to find a good home for your favorite but ill-fitting ski helmet or that extra garden hose you never seem to use. Swapping or borrowing saves resources because less stuff has…
Bring the Trees Back to Armenia!
Two different regions in Armenia, Shikahogh Reserve, which is now protected thanks to the work of the Armenian Tree Project and other groups (L) and the Gabion (L). I’ve been a big fan of the Armenia Tree Project (ATP) since I first wrote about them for E Magazine a couple…
How to Score an Eco Chick?
Mr. EcoGeek himself (aka Hank Green) put together this hilarious piece on how to impress (read: seduce) a green girl with your enviro cred. Title: “EcoGeek’s Guide to Getting Girls”! Love it. Being a guy, naturally he wrote a lot about how to get a woman in bed, or at…
A Bottle of No Thanks, Please
Bottled water is so easy. It’s water, in a bottle, genius! I remember when it was chic and served in the finest restaurants. Then one morning I woke up and my mother told me we were getting a water bottle for the house. No longer was the tap good enough. …
“We want to protect our lands, but we also need to awaken the people in The North. You are living in a dream, what you are doing is destroying the Earth.”
Talk about an Amazon woman! Anthropologist Zoe Tryon is working with the Achuar people of the Ecuadorian rainforest to help both protect their culture from undue outside influence while still giving them the skills they need to deal with those same outsiders who see their land as a place to…