Stuff Pal: Share Your Fave Books, Movies and Video Games with This New Facebook App
Imagine being able to borrow books, textbooks, DVDs (maybe even a video game if that’s your thing) for free from your friends on Facebook. It’d be pretty darn nice, wouldn’t it? Sounds like a dream….but it’s not! Stuff Pal, a new social media application, is making this sort of…
Get Lazy with Josh Dorfman's New Book (and TV Show on Sundance!)
Watch a clip from Josh’ new show above! Josh Dorfman’s on a roll! He just released a follow-up book to his first, called “The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget”, AND he has a new show (also called “The Lazy Environmentalist” which just premiered on the Sundance Channel last night, but…
Green Schools 101
Green schools are inarguably the right decision for our children and the environment. Though up-front costs are higher, green buildings save enough in operation and maintenance expenses to pay for their original construction in a matter of months. The money saved on energy bills (the annual energy savings from a…
Cupid's Shooting Some Green Arrows
I know you all wait until the last minute just like I do… here’s a list to help you out of the V-day crunch and still come up smelling like roses with your beau. Whatever your time schedule and budget, you should be able to do something special, even within…
New Year’s GreenSolutions
Right after Christmas I always start thinking about how I need a serious cleanse from all the holiday eating and drinking, not to mention all the junk clogging up my brain from seeing people I haven’t seen in so long, travelling all over the East Coast and generally ignoring healthy…
Communal Tool Sharing
Ever embarked on a home project, but didn’t have the tools needed or the money/space to buy and store them? Like most renters, buying a huge stash of tools isn’t feasible for me anytime soon. That’s why there are resources like the Berkeley tool library. One of the first libraries…
Greenpeace TV
According to a survey by, the average worker admits to wasting 2.09 hours per eight-hour workday (not including lunch and scheduled break times). Participants in the survey sited “personal Internet” use as the biggest distracter from their workday. It is well known that the Internet does have the…