Karma’s Gonna Get You
Since Bush has decided that America is addicted to oil (hmmm…wonder where he got that idea?) his administration is considering a requirement that some of the biggest SUVs meet fuel economy standards for the first time. According to NPR, “Vehicles weighing between 8,500 and 10,000 pounds have been exempt from…
"Fairplay" in the Sack
(.)(.) Must be 18 years or older (or the equivalent to AA’s Dov Charney) to read this blog entry. (Caption: Meet Dov) According to the Kinsey Institute’s FAQ, 54% of men think about sex every day or several times a day, whereas only 20% of us women, on the other hand,…
Head of the Interior heads for the Exterior: Gale Norton Resigns
Last week U.S. Interior Secretary Gale A. Norton resigned amidst rumblings of scandal regarding purported connections between her department and disgraced former lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Many environmentalists applauded her departure due to her appalling record for supporting corporate interests and being unable to bridge the ever-expanding gap between big business…
State of the Union Address States Something Incredible
Although our President has tried to hold back the tide of change toward cleaner healthier energy, some things he said in his last State of the Union Address suggests that he may be changing his tune, at least for now. The oil money man said that “America is addicted…
Tuesday Science Times Rehash
Tuesday is has two redeeming qualities; it’s not Monday, and the NYTimes Science section comes out. A couple heartwarming stories from the last edition. Genetically modified produce is a flop, for both consumers and crop yields. And apparently, all that opposition to GM foods has really taken the mickey out…
Green Yoga
Friends of mine have asked what yoga has to do with the environment, and I’ve always been stumped. I always felt there was a definite connection between my yoga practice and my environmental consciousness since both are about being more aware of our impact on the world, but that was about…
Crazy Capitalist and Enviro in the Same Sentence?
Today’s NYTimes has an interesting article in a section I usually ignore. The front of the Business section has “Saving the Environment, One Quarterly Earnings Report at a Time.” Wal-Mart uses a wind turbine to help provide electricity at a store in Aurora, Colo., as an experiment. If necessary, a…
Tuesday Science Times Rehash
Tuesday is has two redeeming qualities; it’s not Monday, and the NYTimes Science section comes out. A couple heartwarming stories from the last edition. Genetically modified produce is a flop, for both consumers and crop yields. And apparently, all that opposition to GM foods has really taken the mickey out…
Anna Sova Yummy
I attended the Anna Sova launch last party last weekend in Manhattan. The self-titled line of ‘luxury organics’, which includes aromatherapy sprays, soy candles, sheets, duvets and bedruffles (I call it bedwear), towels and paint is truly gorgeous, and I was thrilled to see that someone finally realizes that just…