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    Karma’s Gonna Get You

    Since Bush has decided that America is addicted to oil (hmmm…wonder where he got that idea?) his administration is considering a requirement that some of the biggest SUVs meet fuel economy standards for the first time. According to NPR, “Vehicles weighing between 8,500 and 10,000 pounds have been exempt from…

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    "Fairplay" in the Sack

    (.)(.) Must be 18 years or older (or the equivalent to AA’s Dov Charney) to read this blog entry.   (Caption: Meet Dov) According to the Kinsey Institute’s FAQ, 54% of men think about sex every day or several times a day, whereas only 20% of us women, on the other hand,…

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    Tuesday Science Times Rehash

    Tuesday is has two redeeming qualities; it’s not Monday, and the NYTimes Science section comes out. A couple heartwarming stories from the last edition. Genetically modified produce is a flop, for both consumers and crop yields. And apparently, all that opposition to GM foods has really taken the mickey out…

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    Green Yoga

                                          Friends of mine have asked what yoga has to do with the environment, and I’ve always been stumped. I always felt there was a definite connection between my yoga practice and my environmental consciousness since both are about being more aware of our impact on the world, but that was about…

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    Tuesday Science Times Rehash

    Tuesday is has two redeeming qualities; it’s not Monday, and the NYTimes Science section comes out. A couple heartwarming stories from the last edition. Genetically modified produce is a flop, for both consumers and crop yields. And apparently, all that opposition to GM foods has really taken the mickey out…

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    Anna Sova Yummy

    I attended the Anna Sova launch last party last weekend in Manhattan. The self-titled line of ‘luxury organics’, which includes aromatherapy sprays, soy candles, sheets, duvets and bedruffles (I call it bedwear), towels and paint is truly gorgeous, and I was thrilled to see that someone finally realizes that just…