Heroines for the Planet: Tea Expert and Climate Change Scientist Selena Ahmed
"I am particularly inspired by the immense ecological knowledge of some of the individuals in the forest-dwelling communities that I work that links them to the natural world."
Threads 4 Thought’s Ethical, Affordable, Printastic Clothes: How I Wear Eco Fashion
Who made my cute hi-lo dress and comfy leggings? One of these women, pictured on T4T's site.
Colbert Tackles Global Warming, Hilariously!
The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive The Word – The New Abnormal Australia adds new colors to the weather map for temperatures above 125 degrees, and conservatives hit the fifth stage of right-wing climate change grief: acceptance.
Momo Wang’s Third Hand Upcycled Collection: Inspired by Derrida
Momo Wang's brilliantly colorful example of what can be achieved with reusing found materials in fashion.