Wood Everything: Eco-Chick’s Holiday, 2015 Gift Guide #1
For fans of renewable, biodegradable wood, 'tis the season.
When Gnomes Come Home: A Solstice Story
When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but red-hatted gnomes where usually, there are only deer!
21 Ethical Holiday Prezzies for Gift Inspiration!
We hope this helps you get through your shopping list this year.
The 2013 Eco Chick Holiday Gift Guide is Packed with Green Goodness
Our curated selections for Christmas, 2013.
Give to Sandy Victims + Get a Cool Holiday Gift Tee = Win and Feel Great!
Designing t-shirts to directly benefit Long Island, New Jersey and the Rockaways, LOOMSTATE will be donating 100% of the proceeds from these 100% organic cotton t-shirts to support Sandy recovery efforts through Waves for Water and Food Bank For New York City. At $40 each, the t-shirts are now available…
10 Simple Ways to Reuse That Gift Wrap this Holiday!
I don’t know about you but I find much of the traditional gift wrap sold in stores to be – how to say this – tacky. But what’s even tackier is all of the waste that’s created from people opening up a gift, crumbling the paper into a ball and…
Odette New York: Handcrafted Jewelry Inspired by Natural Ephemera
I was lucky enough to receive the gorgeous necklace above from my boyfriend for Christmas this year. Not only is it lovely and interesting, it is made by hand, locally, in NYC (Brooklyn, to be exact) and is one of the many creations that’s part of the modern jewelry line,…
Beautiful Things: Eco Chick’s Holiday Green Gift Guide, 2009
I’ve always been a firm believer in the idea that buying stuff doesn’t have to be bad. Should we buy less? Yes. Should we carefully consider what we buy, where it comes from, and who makes it? Definitely, for sure, and yeah! BUT the thing that’s missing in all the…
Simple Ways to a Green 2008 Holiday
Every year there are things we do to minimize the consumptive haze. This year, with the economy being what it is and people mowing each other down at Wal-Mart, many are choosing alternatives to corporate Christmas debris. Here are some of the tips that help my family to slow down,…
Waterkeeper and Lexus Hybrid Living and RFK Jr. and James Blunt, Oh My!
Sara Brancato of The Four Hundred sustainable design showroom, Starre Vartan of Eco Chick, and Lara Miller, eco fashion designer. Check out our awesome shoes! I’m wearing the Melissas by Vivienne Westwood. Last week was a busy one, kicked off by the Lexus Hybrid Living/Waterkeeper salon at the home of…