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    100% Pure

    A couple of months ago I was standing in the check-in line at LAX and someone was frantically decanting lotion into a small container to bring onto our flight. I was standing next to him, and I could smell vanilla, coconut, and warm caramel. Being obsessed with scents, I had…

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    Miessence: Organic Food for My Skin

    My personal quest to find a skin care line that isn’t toxic like most conventional skin products and WORKS is finally over! I recently discovered a brand, Miessence owned by Australian based company, ONE (Organic and Natural Enterprise) Group that perfectly fits those 2 needs. Since that time, I’ve become…

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    Lucky Mag's Great Green Resources

    The February issue of Lucky Magazine (with an Eco-Chick favorite, Hayden Panettiere), on the cover, has some really fun green content, along with their regular fashion how-to’s and trend reports. It’s great that mags aren’t just running ‘green’ issues anymore; now ecofashion and beauty products are just a part of…

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    Loving, Naturally

    A few great natural products i’ve recently fallen in love with for my uber sensitive skin: Sunshine Spa’s Brown Sugar Scrub Mango Ginger: this organic brown sugar scrub is amazing! I have super sensitive skin and this scrub leaves my skin smooth and happy after shaving. Contains lots of great…

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    Yikes!! Who Wants Lead Lips?

    A runway look from Jill Stuart’s Fall ’07 collection No, I’m not talking about the new dark-lip look that’s been spotted on runways from Olivier Theyskens to Jill Stuart to Tuleh….. Treehugger reported last Friday that new independent lab tests by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics found that: More than…

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    My Cosmetics and Yours…

    In a recent search to uncover exactly what i’ve been putting on my skin/hair, I came across the cosmetic safety database, a great website created by the researchers at the environmental working group. On this site, thousands of products have been tested and you can type in any of your…

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    Ladies Love Lube!

    Guestblogger Wendy Strgar, is the owner and founder of Good Clean Love (they make the above lube) a manufacturer of all-natural love and intimacy products.  Married for over 23 years with four children, Wendy teaches about Making Love Sustainable, a green philosophy of relationships which recognizes the importance of valueing the renewable…