Cancer or Germs? I'll take the germs.
I must admit that in my house we might be thought to be a little lax when it comes to germs. I am not saying that we don’t wash our hands when we go to the bathroom or before we eat. We play in the yard digging for bugs and…
Score one for PCs
Health Hazards in Electronics: ยท Some brominated flame retardants, used in circuit boards and plastic casings, do not break down easily and build up in the environment. Long-term exposure can lead to impaired learning and memory functions. They can also interfere with thyroid and oestrogen hormone systems and exposure in…
Among the women I know there are three types when it comes to dealing with good ole ‘Aunt Flo’: there’s the pads only crowd, the tampon champions and the diva cup/sponge menstruation alterna-nation. I count myself among the first group, which is also the most wasteful of the bunch. My…
Health Care Without Harm
I remember growing up along Long Island Sound and enjoying its beaches as a child. In the late eighties, when tons of medical waste ended up in the NY rivers and the sound, the beaches became hazardous, or what was perhaps even more disgusting, bio-hazardous. My friends and I heard…