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    POMED Party Pics!

    The POMED (Protect Our Mother Earth’s Daughters) party at Earth in NYC was a success! Brian Howard of E/The Environmental Magazine and Lisabeth Weber of fundraisingpins.com. Yours truly with pink dress. Danelle Brown of Verte (the organizer of the event) with speakers from Kids with Cameras, Architecture for Humanity, and…

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    Who says an environmental magazine can’t look good? Like the cliche that eco-fashion is all about hemp sackdresses or vegan food is nothing more than tasteless tofu, it is time for the magazines representing Mother Earth to spiff it up. Ecocolo is a fabulous new Japanese eco magazine (there’s only been four…

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    Anna Sova Yummy

    I attended the Anna Sova launch last party last weekend in Manhattan. The self-titled line of ‘luxury organics’, which includes aromatherapy sprays, soy candles, sheets, duvets and bedruffles (I call it bedwear), towels and paint is truly gorgeous, and I was thrilled to see that someone finally realizes that just…