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    Halloween in a Hybrid

    Hey, my cab looked just like this one!  I try to avoid taking taxis in NYC as much as possible (the subway is cheaper, more eco-friendly, and has all sorts of fun people to look at to boot), but once in a while, when you’re wearing a feather-topped costume, a…

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    ever wonder how much carbon you produce?

    I am so excited about this website: http://www.terrapass.com/ You can plug in information on your personal driving, flying, and household habits, numbers are calculated, and equivalent costs and information about how much carbon you have produced is given to you. Then you have the option to buy a TerraPass that…

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    What's Your Footprint?

      I just learned that if everyone on the planet lived as I do, it would take 4.2 Earths to provide for them. Meaning: I take up three times as much resources as I should. And that’s with keeping my house at 60 degrees all winter, driving minimally in an efficient car, and being a…