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    Lucky Mag's Great Green Resources

    The February issue of Lucky Magazine (with an Eco-Chick favorite, Hayden Panettiere), on the cover, has some really fun green content, along with their regular fashion how-to’s and trend reports. It’s great that mags aren’t just running ‘green’ issues anymore; now ecofashion and beauty products are just a part of…

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    Macbook Air: Green Equals Sexy!

    Steve Jobs just finished giving they keynote speech at the MacWorld 2008 conference, where he unveiled the super-sexy new Macbook Air (check Gizmodo for more techie coverage). So, besides the fact that this computer looks totally gorgeous, it is also a serious GREEN MACHINE. The ecofriendly stats, from Jobs’ speech:…

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    Fix It, Don't Toss It!

    After arriving at warm home town Barranquilla, Colombia, I was in the process of putting away my winter clothes, when inside my jacket’s pocket I found an unfamiliar object. I reached inside and out came a pair of earrings. “Nice”, I thought. And tried to remember where I had gotten…

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    Modern Maillots and More from Meadow

    Meadow’s designs are all about the detail, from creatively lined pockets to patterned layers, all presented in modern neutrals and natural (but not boring) tones of green, blue and lavender. The line is designed with fabrics like hemp, Tencel, and bamboo, and while some of the pieces have a vintage…

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    Green Gifts: The Top 5 Regifting Don’ts

    It’s the day after Christmas. Aside from feeling fat and hungover, you’re probably wondering how you’ll get rid of all the terrible gifts you’ve collected–the gizmo you’ll never use, the book you’ll never read, the sweater you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing. Rather than toss that hideous scarf or Ricky…

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    Haygarth's Recycled Art

    A couple days back I was checking out EcoStreet, where Tracy Stokes had written up a great post about Stuart Haygarth’s amazing recycled plastic bottle chandelier. Haygarth took the bottles from the Stanstead (UK) airport where they were among those confiscated by people who forgot to get rid of them…

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    Champagne Cork Contest at DWR!

    Do you have designing hands? Get some creativity in your holiday (this would be fun to make into a competition among family or friends too!) by creating a chair for Design Within Reach’s annual Champagne Chair Contest! No, not full-size ones….miniatures made from what would normally be thrown away from…

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    Cure-All for Modern Life: Green Tea!

    Tea is harvested by real people like this woman, so choose organic, fair-trade leaves when you’re at the store.  While I’m practically allergic to the caffeine in coffee (though I so love the taste), some days I couldn’t get by without a little green or white tea to perk me…

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    Why Greenfest? Here's the Answer

    by Guest-blogger Katherine Cure Katherine Cure sipping organic fair-trade coffee from one of the second-hand mugs that were available for use during Greenfest “Greenfest? What’s that?” the tanned middle-aged East Bay native eating next to me asked, as I outlined to him my reasons for coming to San Francisco for…