Designed in California, Inspired by India: Satva’s Organic Cotton Leggings
They're so comfy, but also really flattering.
Luxury Hybrid Leader Lexus Supports Environment and Education With Its Eco Challenge
Lexus is the luxury hybrid leader with five low-emission hybrid vehicles available. Since its very first Luxury hybrid in 2005, Lexus has helped advance the concept of sustainability without sacrifice. Eco-Chick had the opportunity to test drive the new Lexus ESĀ at the ESPN Women + Sports Summit in Tucson, Arizona…
CBS’ EcoMedia: Turning Advertising Into an Engine for Social Change
What if the commercials we watch on television weren’t merely intended to entertain and lure? What if those same commercials transformed communities by creating jobs; supporting environmental, health and education initiatives; and saving taxpayers money? Sounds pretty dreamy, doesn’t it? Well, it’s happening right now. EcoMedia, a CBS-backed company, is…