My Country, My Choice Video
We came across this video and wanted to share it with our readers (who are predominately female!). We love the powerful question it poses: “If you don’t trust me with my body, why should I trust you with my country?” There’s less than a month left to support the Obama…
Yigal Azroul's Scarf for Obama's Runway to Win
About six weeks ago, I was taking a work break from my NYC communal office at GreenSpaces, and I wandered into Yigal Azroul’s shop in Tribeca, CUT 25, where I was lucky enough to stumble across a most gorgeous, full-length, awesomely printed skirt (on sale). Coincidentally, when I was virtually…
Clinton Global Initiative: Ending Modern Slavery and Ensuring The Future of Food
Bill Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative. Eco Chick attended the Clinton Global Initiative earlier this week and listened to many of our world’s greatest minds focused on solving the most pressing issues of our day. Politicians, innovative social entrepreneurs, NGO leaders, and CEOs, convene annually at CGI to discuss…