Some Oil Companies are More Eco Friendly: Who’s Fuelling Your Summer Drives?
Thanks to Flickr user Emutree for this great image! When I first started driving 15 years ago, I had it out for Exxon. I had seen the oil-covered birds from the Valdez oil spill in Alaska and had cried for the sad-eyed seals who were hosed down by volunteers. For…
The money is greener on the other side
Last month Bill Gates’ investments came under investigation by a few LA Times reporters. The argument of the intensely thorough 8-page (yes, 8 pages!) article was this: Do Gates’ investments in companies like Exxon Mobile and Chevron Corp undermine the good deeds of the actual foundation? I recently asked Thomas…
Big Business Can Make a Big Difference!?
Actually, I am anti-capitalism, BUT I realize I live within a system that’s stuck with the concept, and I’m willing to work within it (which, in my experience has yielded more positive change than trying to overthrow it….or maybe I’m just getting old!) So I was pretty fascinated by the…
Dumping once again
This morning I read this article about toxic sludge being dumped by a tanker in the ocean and washing up on the shores of the Ivory Coast. The kid in the picture above has sores on his body from exposure to this stuff. People have gotten ill from…