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    Blogging and Feminism Panel

    The Panel on Blogging and Feminism in NYC was really fantastic! I didn’t make it to the EO Wilson talk, but I know Starre did! So she’ll have more on that I’m sure. [Picture originally uploaded by Liz] Liz, who does regular blogging here, did some live blogging for the…

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    More New York Events

    This isn’t so much an Eco-Event as it is a Chick-Event. Jessica of Feministing is speaking at the panel, which will be on blogging and feminism. Tuesday, November 14 7pm Altschul Atrium, Altschul Hall (Barnard is located between 116th and 120th streets on the west side of Broadway) Free &…

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    Patriarchy of Pork

    While reading through my environmental ethics text book today (that will be used for a class called Philosophy and the Environment…woot!) I came across a section called “Patriarchy of Pork or Feminist Fuss” in a chapter called “Ethics and Animals”. The section is only about a page long (a bit…

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    Deep Ecology and Ecofeminism

    When I was in grade 12 I wrote a paper that I thought was fantastic. I hate that I can say I still have it – and got to read over it again today, it’s pretty horrible. Actually, for it being the first a) philosophy paper and b) environmental paper…

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    Ani DiFranco

    Ani DiFranco (one of my favorite artists ever), recently explained why feminism is tied to environmentalism. Reprieve is her new album. Among the more important themes on “Reprieve” is the persistence of patriarchy in world politics. “It’s the elephant in the room,” she said. “As I get older, I really…