Haygarth's Recycled Art
A couple days back I was checking out EcoStreet, where Tracy Stokes had written up a great post about Stuart Haygarth’s amazing recycled plastic bottle chandelier. Haygarth took the bottles from the Stanstead (UK) airport where they were among those confiscated by people who forgot to get rid of them…
Don't Be A Turkey: Get Your Thanksgiving Feast Green
Originally posted on The Huffington Post on November 14th, 2007 Photo from Channel14.com. In 1621 the Plymouth colonists and the Wampanoag Indians stuffed their faces in an autumn harvest feast–the first Thanksgiving. Although Historians aren’t certain of the menu, it’s safe to say the pilgrims weren’t gobbling up pesticide-smothered potatoes…
Bring the Trees Back to Armenia!
Two different regions in Armenia, Shikahogh Reserve, which is now protected thanks to the work of the Armenian Tree Project and other groups (L) and the Gabion (L). I’ve been a big fan of the Armenia Tree Project (ATP) since I first wrote about them for E Magazine a couple…
Mortgaging Planet Earth
Whenever I start to feel a little cynical (depressed?) about being an environmentalist (i.e. whenever I get the urge to put on some snakeskin sneakers, wear diamonds bigger than my eyeballs, smoke CO2 cigarettes, and hop on my mahogany-furnished private jet to hurtle me and my friends around the world…
Is Carbon Offsetting The Environmental Equivalent To Sending Roses?
by guest-blogger Craig Platt Watch this video to understand the situation As the saying goes, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. So goes the running argument about whether offsetting your carbon footprint is a useful contribution to our eco-system or just another futile exercise in pretending to…
Did You See the Snowman Last Night at the Debates?
I thought the Dems debates last night were the best I’ve ever seen (I watched them streaming on Cnn.com since I don’t have cable). That the questions came from real people via YouTube was THE BEST IDEA EVER! (and the videos submitted by us crazy citizens were funny, sad, poignant,…
Design a Shirt for Animal Rights!
Peta2 and the animal-free clothing label April 77 are looking for designs for a t-shirt! Check out the deets here: The only condition of the competition is that the design must promote an animal-friendly, vegetarian message and feature the tagline “Meat Is Still Murder.” April77 doesn’t use any leather or…
Etsy’s handmade goodies
A few weeks ago, while strolling through a farmer’s market in Amsterdam, I came upon a stall selling these purses … I chatted with the seller for a bit and he explained the process his partner went through making these. The idea was simple, really … recycled munitions pouches from…
Why is Europe greener (really)?
In case you missed it, The New York Times Magazine was devoted to green architecture on Sunday. It printed several articles, including a piece by the Times’ chief architecture critic, Nicolai Ourousoff, that I found especially interesting. In it, he asks, not entirely rhetorically, Why Are They (Europe) Greener Than…
Just a thought
Recently I found myself engaged in several discussions about taking care of our environment as a matter of personal integrity, choice, and responsibility. One such conversation happened with a stranger in a training course I was attending. The man works for the EPA. He looked to be in his early…