ECO LQ (Lifestyle Quotient): What life stage were you the "Most Eco"?
It’s often difficult to keep up with the Jonses on all this “Good Green Citizen” stuff. For the majority of us out there, we can’t possibly give all we got, but we can do things in our everyday life to make a difference. Where we are in our life, how…
SkiGreen MiniTags
Tina Basich Love riding or skiing but hate how driving all the way to the mountain makes you feel sooooo guilty? Besides finding out if a local ski center has a bus to the mountains (my local shop does one-day bus trips that include a lift ticket at a discount),…
Enviro News Round Up
We seem to be having quite a bit of a drop in posts around here! I’m hoping to rack up some goodies this weekend, but we’ll see. Until then, here is some fairly generic (yet oh so interesting!!!) environmental news. Need a new reason to go on that diet? Well,…
Snowboarders Do It Greenly
My favorite snowboard-culture magazine, Snowboarder, is now even better; they are proudly (they tout it on the November, 2006 cover) printing on recycled paper! Not only that, but there is a decidedly environmentally-minded slant to quite a bit of their coverage in various departments; in the photo section they encourage…
Get Out of the House!
Don’t start hibernating yet, there are a ton of great green events coming up! Swap-0-Rama-Rama When: October 8th, from 1pm to 8PM Where: 3rd Ward, 195 Morgan Ave. Brooklyn What’s Swap-o-rama-rama? Swap-O-Rama-Rama is a clothing swap and series of do-it-yourself workshops in which a community explores creative reuse through the…
The Energy Diet
Image by Elwood Smith for the NYTimes. Fantastic article in the New York Times about how, with little energy or money, a regular person can go on an energy diet, dropping pounds of CO2 off their normal household consumption. (This writer was spurred by seeing An Inconvenient Truth.) Here’s an…
Google Gives Some Green
As reported last Thursday in the NYTimes, Google is setting up a for-profit philanthropy arm. Called, and begun with seed money of $1 Billion (is that all?) the group has specific aims to fight povery, disease, and global warming. Of course global warming only exacerbates poverty and disease, so by working on…
Prop 87: Good Idea for an Ecofashion Sports Tee
With November just around the corner and global warming a heated debate, it’s a perfect idea for Californians and other greenies alike to start promoting Prop 87. Bono didn’t say you can wear “politics on your sleeve” for nuthin. About Prop 87: Establishes $4 billion program to reduce oil and…
Burning Man/Cooling Man?
I have made art projects that have ended up at Burning Man, my friends have all (seemingly) gone to Burning Man, and I was supposed to go to the art and music desert festival this year, but life (in the form of being accepted to grad school unexpectedly) intervened.…
Ms. Green Jeans
Check out this interview (from Grist) of Tierra del Forte, the designer behind Del Forte Denim. The questions after the jump are a little more ‘fun’ than the first few shown here, so read on! 24 Jul 2006 What work do you do? I’m a designer and the founder of Del Forte…