Etsy’s handmade goodies
A few weeks ago, while strolling through a farmer’s market in Amsterdam, I came upon a stall selling these purses … I chatted with the seller for a bit and he explained the process his partner went through making these. The idea was simple, really … recycled munitions pouches from…
Why is Europe greener (really)?
In case you missed it, The New York Times Magazine was devoted to green architecture on Sunday. It printed several articles, including a piece by the Times’ chief architecture critic, Nicolai Ourousoff, that I found especially interesting. In it, he asks, not entirely rhetorically, Why Are They (Europe) Greener Than…
Love Lost and Hope Found at "Design for the Other 90%"
Text by Guest-Blogger Josh Wiese Images by Starre Vartan and Josh Wiese Have you ever just known that the person who’s call you’re eagerly awaiting is the one for you? I mean THE ONE. It’s this strange penetrating feeling you just can’t shake. You want to. It doesn’t make sense,…
Eco Travelling
There has been plenty of discussion surrounding travelling and it’s impact on the environment- mainly about how bad air travel is for global warming. Some people are suggesting that to be a real environmentalists, we should all cut down on our travelling, working closer to home (sensible), getting our food…
A Green Tax for 'Binge' Flyers
By guest-blogger C. Tenz When the publisher of a guidebook series says people fly too much, we know we’re in deep CO2 trouble. But that’s exactly what Mark Ellingham, the founder of the Rough Guides, said in an interview recently in The Observer. In an article celebrating the guidebook series’…
Ever Since Little Red Riding Hood….
….wolves have had an (undeserved) bad reputation. As top predators, they are integral to healthy natural ecosystems, where they do the important work of culling the sick and the old from herds of deer, elk and other grazing herbivores. Despite the important niche that wolves fill, and the fact that…
Local Economy: Lost In Translation
Plato: Eco-Hunk When I was an undergraduate at the University of Massachusetts, I wiggled into a two-semester Greek class at Smith College. Although I had to deal with occasional condescension from the bona fide Smithies, the hours I spent reading Plato in the original Greek are among the things I…
Augusta and Elliott
My paternal grandmother, Leslie, called the West Indies home from 1948 until she died. We had a house in Antigua, with an open courtyard, that sat right on the beach. When I was little, in the seventies, and Leslie was dying, we spent time down there and I first met…
It's the Environment, Stupid!
Zannel has a contest going on for all you budding videographers. Of course we here at Eco Chick know what the biggest challenge of the near future is; creating a sustainable and healthy environment. Without that, nothing else much matters, does it? This is not to put down anyone who…
Solar to power the world
The amount of energy hitting the earth from the sun every minute is great than the amount of energy the would burns up in fossil fuels in one year. That’s a whole lot of energy just sitting around waiting to be used while we continue to use oil and crap…