Good News Bears
For Long-Time Readers of Eco Chick, The Good News Bears Are Back! There’s a bevy of great green news I want to share with you all in case you hadn’t seen it: Hummer Goes Under….Eventually has been informed by official sources that there will be no “next generation” refresh…
Smartest Car; Still Worse Than The Dumbest Bike
The process of buying and making new cars isn’t the solution to this enormous fossil fuel problem we’re having. Hackneyed as it might seem, we need to develop long term sustainable community transportation, AND to rethink the way that we structure our lives around cars. Buying a smart car is…
Green Guru: Environmental Costs of Dried Fruit, Battery-Powered Mowers, and Red #40 on Hummers
Since I write this column for Audubon Magazine, I thought I would share my (laboriously researched) advice with Eco Chick readers. In considering the hidden costs that come with shipping fruit—trucking it around the globe in refrigerated containers—I’m wondering whether it’s more energy efficient to eat dried fruit? —Justin Van…
Eco-buzz: "Offsetting"
Offsetting, (verb) – to counteract (something) by having an opposing force or effect. To balance or serve as a counterbalance for. To compensate. Lately I have been hearing a lot about “offsetting.” Being able to purchase carbon credits, plant trees, and invest in renewable energy sources allows people the opportunity…
Vogue Says It So It Must Be True
This is a shirt of mine (you can see me wearing it at the Clearwater Festival below). One of my biggest guilty pleasures in life (besides full-fat, real ice cream) is that I love to read fashion magazines. I adore the end of the month when Vogue appears in my…
Karma’s Gonna Get You
Since Bush has decided that America is addicted to oil (hmmm…wonder where he got that idea?) his administration is considering a requirement that some of the biggest SUVs meet fuel economy standards for the first time. According to NPR, “Vehicles weighing between 8,500 and 10,000 pounds have been exempt from…