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    Eco-Fashion Makes Local Farmers Happy

    The organics industry is expected to boom faster than ever in the next few years. And I’m stoked. It seems like everywhere I look, someone else is going organic. Just the other day I was perusing my favorite store, H&M and came across and entire organic section, that I had…

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    Happy Green New Year!

    I get more excited about New Years Eve than I do about Christmas or my birthday combined, seriously. So I always throw a party, and my parties always singlehandedly undo every environmental effort I put forth the entire year before. Invitations, garbage, lights, tons of food… etc. So this year,…

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    Eco Holiday

    This year, to enjoy the holidays, we are minimizing gift-giving and enjoying time together. Here are some simple ways we are doing this: ~Clearing out old stuff and donating it to Goodwill and shelters ~Enjoying warm cups of organic vanilla and spice tea ~Heading out for a hike ~Lighting the…

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    Haygarth's Recycled Art

    A couple days back I was checking out EcoStreet, where Tracy Stokes had written up a great post about Stuart Haygarth’s amazing recycled plastic bottle chandelier. Haygarth took the bottles from the Stanstead (UK) airport where they were among those confiscated by people who forgot to get rid of them…

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    Lululemon & oqoqo in Chicago

    One thing that’s driven me crazy since moving to Germany is the total lack of decent clothing for working out … and by decent, I mean that it had to fulfill at least one of my sustainability criteria: be made of organic or sustainable fabric, be recycled or secondhand, or…

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    Why Greenfest? Here's the Answer

    by Guest-blogger Katherine Cure Katherine Cure sipping organic fair-trade coffee from one of the second-hand mugs that were available for use during Greenfest “Greenfest? What’s that?” the tanned middle-aged East Bay native eating next to me asked, as I outlined to him my reasons for coming to San Francisco for…

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    My Dream (Hobbit?) House

    My friend Chris Baskind says this house is for “upwardly mobile, fashion forward hobbits.” I THINK that describes me…. OK, I’m having a severe case of house lust. Have you ever seen a cuter little abode? Check the website for more pictures, as well as plans and details of the…

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    Don't Be A Turkey: Get Your Thanksgiving Feast Green

    Originally posted on The Huffington Post on November 14th, 2007 Photo from Channel14.com. In 1621 the Plymouth colonists and the Wampanoag Indians stuffed their faces in an autumn harvest feast–the first Thanksgiving. Although Historians aren’t certain of the menu, it’s safe to say the pilgrims weren’t gobbling up pesticide-smothered potatoes…