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    Kiwi & Pink & Business Week, Oh My!

    The Green is spreading! First up is Kiwi– maybe those with kids have already heard of this great magazine centered around healthy and green living for parents (it seems to have been out for about 6 months now), but I just came across my first issue. Kiwi is super-informative, with…

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    Portovert Debuts

    Back in the beginning of December, I mentioned that a new online-only wedding magazine would be debuting in January. Well, Portovert is up and running, and it looks like they have some great content going on in their premiere issue! If you are getting married, or know someone who is,…

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    Green Building 101

    This month’s WIRED and E/The Environmental Magazine both have great features on the many and varied ways of constructing an eco-home. E Magazine’s coverage focuses on the history and current status of green building in the US, including lots of stats, facts and info (like that buildings consume 65% of…

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    New Year’s GreenSolutions

    Right after Christmas I always start thinking about how I need a serious cleanse from all the holiday eating and drinking, not to mention all the junk clogging up my brain from seeing people I haven’t seen in so long, travelling all over the East Coast and generally ignoring healthy…

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    Thank You for Not Smoking

    While, admittedly, there was a brief time I smoked cigarettes regularly (hey, I was living in Spain, give me a break), I’ve always found it EXTREMELY maddening that not only do smokers foul the air, but they toss their butts all over the damn place. I live next to the…

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    The real cost of Christmas

    What does christmas really cost us? I ask my family not to buy me Christmas gifts. In the beginning it was to make a stance against Christmas saying “I’m not Christian, so it’s not my holiday and these traditions are silly.” But as I grow older and care less and…

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    Coming Soon…Portovert

    I’m excited about the upcoming launch of the online-only wedding magazine, Portovert, the “First and Only Online Magazine for Eco-savvy Brides and Grooms”. The wedding business in the United States is a multi-billion dollar a year industry, one that creates insane amounts of waste (not to mention Bridezillas!). Up until…