ECO LQ (Lifestyle Quotient): What life stage were you the "Most Eco"?
It’s often difficult to keep up with the Jonses on all this “Good Green Citizen” stuff. For the majority of us out there, we can’t possibly give all we got, but we can do things in our everyday life to make a difference. Where we are in our life, how…
Although the Holiday season hasn’t officially hit (I know its not even Thanksgiving), its never too early too start thinking about environmental ways to approach the season. It is estimated that almost 25 million tons more waste is created during the holidays than over a typical ten-week period. The extra…
Blogging and Feminism Panel
The Panel on Blogging and Feminism in NYC was really fantastic! I didn’t make it to the EO Wilson talk, but I know Starre did! So she’ll have more on that I’m sure. [Picture originally uploaded by Liz] Liz, who does regular blogging here, did some live blogging for the…
Starbucks & Oxfam Duke it out over Ethiopia, Madonna and Media Duke it out over Malawi baby
…Hey, but at least we are seeing more reports on Africa in the papers. Read more about Oxfam’s claim against Starbucks, and Starbucks claim against Oxfam. and of course, Madonna – for all of you OK & US Weekly readers. You must ask yourself, how does Angie make adoption look…
Enviro News Round Up
We seem to be having quite a bit of a drop in posts around here! I’m hoping to rack up some goodies this weekend, but we’ll see. Until then, here is some fairly generic (yet oh so interesting!!!) environmental news. Need a new reason to go on that diet? Well,…
Creative Photo Lab
Lately I have had a growing interest in photography. With the popularity of the digital camera, there is an artistic photographer in all of us. Here are some creative ways to have fun with your own eco-chic photo lab. Personalized Photo Album We all have warm memories of flipping through…
Snowboarders Do It Greenly
My favorite snowboard-culture magazine, Snowboarder, is now even better; they are proudly (they tout it on the November, 2006 cover) printing on recycled paper! Not only that, but there is a decidedly environmentally-minded slant to quite a bit of their coverage in various departments; in the photo section they encourage…
five and a half. handmade, recollected
five and half‘s recycled handmade journals are by far my favorite journals. Made of interesting, recollected papers, the journals are a really great and inspiring twist on the traditional journal/sketchbook while also being environmentally friendly. five and a half was started by eco-chick, Judy in Brooklyn and has since taken…
Dumping once again
This morning I read this article about toxic sludge being dumped by a tanker in the ocean and washing up on the shores of the Ivory Coast. The kid in the picture above has sores on his body from exposure to this stuff. People have gotten ill from…
More Green Issues Than You Can Shake a Stick At
After the double-header of the green Elle and Vanity Fair issues, a plethora of mags have shown some planet-consciousness. I’ve been collecting these for the past 2 months or so; all sorts of mags covering green topics from various angles. Here they are, in no particular order: Innovative Home, Fall…